Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Biocell Ultravital?
Since 1957 Biocell Ultravital has been at the forefront of Cellular Renovation Therapies. They are of swiss origin and formulate their therapies with the latest advances in biotechnology and molecular science, to target the biology of aging itself. All therapies are all natural and are comprised of pharmaceutical-grade components necessary for adequate cellular nutrition.

2. Why Cellular Renovation Therapies?

Cellular Renovation Therapies are designed to address the root cause and biological imbalances caused by improper cellular nutrition. They implement the science of using natural compounds to increase longevity and support healthy aging.

3. How are the active ingredients regulated?

The methods implemented in production of these biological materials adhere strictly to the guidelines established by the French Food and Drug Agency Branch for Guidelines and Evaluation of Biological Medicines (A.F.S.S.A.P.S). This agency establishes the guidelines and controls mandated for biosecurity of materials intended for medicinal purposes and monitors that they are met. The methods implemented by Biocell Ultravital and its labs are those set forth by the A.F.S.S.P.S. and have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

4. Are Biocell Ultravital’s Cellular Renovation Therapies available in pharmacies?

Our products are only available at limited specialized distributor. The pharmaceutical-grade therapies require a purchase code.

5. How should I take Biocell Ultravital products?

All our treatments should be followed as indicated and under the supervision of your doctor.

6. Are there any secondary side effects associated to Biocell Ultravital’s therapies?

There are no side effects associated with the use of Biocell Ultravital therapies. However, people allergic to animal proteins and expecting mothers should not take our products.

7. Have there been any studies associated with Biocell Ultravital’s Cellular Renovation Therapies?

We have gathered over 5,000 case studies worldwide in the last 5 years. All from doctors prescribing our products and over 90% have reported that Biocell Ultravital therapies are effective in preventing disease as well as providing ancillary treatment to conventional ones. They have reported that our therapies are the most complete on the market today.

8. What are the findings of these case studies?

The results have been overwhelmingly positive with over 90% of doctors stating that they will continue to prescribe Biocell Ultravital Therapies.

9. What are Biocell Ultravital’s quality control standards?

Biocell counts with the strictest international standards of quality control and is also approved and regulated by the FDA in the United States. We follow FDA good manufacturing practices and our laboratories are QAS 9001 certified with the highest standards of quality assurance. All of our active ingredients are extensively tested for purity before packaged.

10. How much will shipping cost?

We offer global shipping. Shipping cost varies depending on your country of origin. Not all orders are the same, so pricing depends on location weight and time of delivery.

11. Does my insurance cover treatment?

Our products are not covered by insurance.

12. What if a product I order is discontinued or the formula is changed?

Biocell Ultravital implements the latest advances in preventive medicine in all of its formulations. As a result, therapies are always evolving, so if one therapy gets discontinued, it is because we have re-formulated for higher efficacy . We always announce when there is a new product, change in formula or when a product is discontinued.

13. Why are Biocell Ultravital’s therapies more advanced than other nutraceutical products?

All formulas contain pharmaceutical-grade natural compounds formulated in Switzerland using the highest standards and protocols. All therapies contain patented materials and are scientifically validated.

14. Are Biocell Ultravital’s therapies natural or synthetic?

All formulas are of completely natural and biological origin. They are free of chemical substances or synthetic ingredients.

15. Is the information I provide kept private?

Yes, our website is fully secure and private. We do not share any information with third parties. Biopharmaxie believes in the integrity of keeping your trust.

16. Where can I find a product recommendation or get a consultation?

Fill out the medical form and within 48 hours we will contact you with a specialists recommendation (purchase code) determining which of these products can be an option for you.