
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
99 Reviews
Sold Out

Due to overwhelming demand for BodyBio - Gut+, we're temporarily out of stock. We appreciate your patience as we diligently work to replenish our inventory.

One capsule a day provides a powerful total gut solution.

30 Capsules - $42.99 (SOLD OUT)
  • 30 Capsules - $42.99 (SOLD OUT)
  • Reduced Bloating & Gas
  • Supports Gut Health
  • Improved Regularity
  • Targets Gut Dybiosis


30 Capsules - $42.99 (SOLD OUT)
  • 30 Capsules - $42.99 (SOLD OUT)

Gut+ Details: What It Is and How to Take It

Introducing Gut+: a cutting edge prebiotic + postbiotic butyrate for total gut health.

Gut+ combines cutting-edge prebiotics + postbiotics to balance your microbiome and nourish your gut, no extra bacteria (probiotics) necessary. Designed to be your all-in-one gut health solution.

Specially formulated to:

  • Promote total gut health without added bacteria*
  • Encourage a healthy gut ecosystem that sustains itself* 
  • Close tight junctions in the gut lining, preventing leaky gut*
  • Reduce unwanted bacteria in the gut while maintaining growth for good bacteria*
  • Fuel the microbiome and gut cells (colonocytes) to support gut barrier function*
  • Support immune function, metabolism, blood sugar balance, cognition and mood*
  • Protect your wallet by providing full-spectrum gut support in one capsule per day


Probiotics alone won’t protect your gut. And to be honest, we’re a little skeptical of their benefits long term. 

 You need a tag team of two powerful biotics for your unique microbiome. 

Most prebiotics are fiber or starch-based. Gut+ contains a next-generation prebiotic solution: PreforPro, a powerful prebiotic bacteriophage clinically proven to reduce unwanted bacteria in the gut. This gives your microbiome the opportunity to regulate itself without unnecessary added bacteria (probiotics).

It’s a smaller dose — you only need 15 mg a day. It’s fast-working — in hours, not days. No uncomfortable side effects like gas or bloating. And, most importantly, Preforpro positively influences the microbial population of the gut.*

Gut+ is also made with the triglyceride form of butyrate — tributyrin — aka a postbiotic, the end product of a balanced gut. Tributyrin has three distinct advantages: 

  1. It does not smell. 
  2. Better bioavailability and it does not need to be enterically coated - it is a time-released version of butyrate that does more even when you take less.
  3. Once in the colon it easily delivers systemic effects, like better brain function, energy, immunity, blood sugar regulation, mood stability, and more.*

It all boils down to this: Gut+ gives your gut the right fuel it needs with the right therapeutics it needs for a healthier, happier you.

Simply put, Gut+ prioritizes better biotics for your best gut health.

Most prebiotics are fiber or starch-based. Gut+ contains a next-generation prebiotic solution: PreforPro, a powerful prebiotic bacteriophage clinically proven to reduce unwanted bacteria in the gut. 

It’s a smaller dose — you only need 15 mg a day. It’s fast-working — in hours, not days. No uncomfortable side effects like gas or bloating. And, most importantly, Preforpro positively influences the microbial population of the gut.*

Superior gut health starts with a high-potency (and scentless!) butyrate. Gut+ features tributyrin, a time-released version of butyrate that does more even when you take less. As three butyrate molecules bonded to one glycerol, tributyrin holds together in its journey through the digestive tract so more butyrate can reach the bloodstream and heal cells throughout your body. And you read that right — there’s none of the typical butyrate smell. Noses everywhere rejoice!  

Prebiotics + postbiotics = a happy gut. With Gut+, prebiotics and postbiotics work together so your commensal bacteria thrive and do what they do best. And ultimately, that means improving your full-body health.

Gut+ is clinically proven gut health — all smartly packed into one daily capsule.

Tributyrin Powder - 500mg
PreforPro - 15mg

Take one capsule per day with or without food or as directed by your HCP.

Total Gut Health, No Probiotics Required

Your microbiome is as unique as your fingerprint, and the latest research indicates that probiotics are not a one-size-fits-all solution, despite being marketed as such. 

Gut+ takes a different approach. We want to help your microbiome thrive by feeding your good bacteria the right food, while also alleviating many of the pesky symptoms associated with a previously unhappy gut. We’ve carefully selected a prebiotic and postbiotic that accomplishes this.

What To Expect When You Start Taking Gut+ supplements

0-2 Weeks

Total gut healing begins. Our advanced prebiotics go to work on reducing the undesirable bacteria in your gut, allowing the good bacteria to flourish. Tributyrin begins to nourish the gut lining and fuel your cells. Some people notice a difference in digestive issues right away, for others there may be a more gradual positive change over the first two weeks.*

2-4 Weeks

Digestion becomes easier, reducing bloating and gas. Regularity improves with predictable, well-formed stools. May begin to notice improved cognition, focus, stable mood, and higher energy.*

4+ Weeks

Long-term gut healing sets in, sealing leaky gut and balancing the microbiome as colonocytes are fortified. Tributyrin travels through the bloodstream, regulating immunity, optimizing blood sugar balance, supporting a healthy inflammatory response, and crossing the blood-brain barrier to banish brain fog and boost mental clarity.*

BodyBio Gut+ Reviews

Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
Based on 99 reviews
99 reviews
  • KIM JI Y.
    Verified Reviewer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    3 months ago
    When will the stock be replenished?


    When will the stock be replenished?

    I'm waiting for a long time.

    Please reply.

  • Tihomira T.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 3 out of 5 stars
    4 months ago
    Did not like

    I had stomach aches and constipation on days I took it so I stopped it because I was already happy with my probiotics so I don't think I really needed Gut+.

  • Rachel S.
    Verified Buyer
    I do not recommend this product
    Rated 2 out of 5 stars
    4 months ago
    Love the product but not the availability

    Love the product. Upset my auto ship is being delayed.

    B Profile picture for BodyBio
    4 months ago

    We're so sorry for the inconvenience! We're working to get it back in stock as soon as possible!

  • Thomas P.
    Verified Reviewer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    4 months ago
    Amazing response so far!

    After having spend the past 7 months in intestinal distress (3 instances of diverticulitis) along with bloating and irregular bowel movements, I came across some literature regarding tributyrate. I have been taking Gut+ for the past 2 weeks and I must admit that there has been a noticeable change in both my pain and bloating levels. In addition, my bowel movements have become much more regular and my food sensitivities have greatly reduced. This product seems to be having a direct effect on my well being. For this, I am grateful.

  • Christine Lai Yun Y.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    4 months ago
    Very good product


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